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Top 10 favorite gluten free breads.

Writer: Gluten Free Jersey GirlGluten Free Jersey Girl

This week it was all about finding the top 10 best gluten free breads! Our facebook group chose our favorites with a few surprises. I was pretty sure of the top pick but surprised that Udi's barely made the list. Here's our top 10 Gluten Free Bread picks from our Gluten Free in New Jersey Facebook page. Be sure to join our group as we navigate the gluten free lifestyle together.

We had a total of 158 votes over 2 days and here are our results.

1. Canyon House Ancient Grain 49 Votes

2. Schar Breads 31 votes

3. Schar Ciabatta 20 votes

4. Canyon House Hawaiian 15 votes

5. Trader Joe's 13 votes

6. Aldi's breads 10 votes

7. Canyon House (fresh) Breads 8 votes

8. Against The Grain 7 votes

9. Canyon House County White 7 votes

10. Trader Joe's sliced Italian 6 votes



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Proverbs 16:24

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