Important disclaimer. Just a reminder, any place recommended by any member, restaurants, gluten free items to purchase, etc. are not verified. Please make sure you make your own determination if the item or restaurant facility is safe for you and your family. Many places recommended are not certified gluten free facilities or certified gluten free products. You are responsible to do your own research before purchasing any products or eating at any restaurants.
Thank you.
Cape May
Bella Vida Garden Cafe
406 N. Broadway
West Cape May
Cherry's Natural Foods
2038 US 9, Cape May Court House, NJ 08210
Hot Dog Tommy's
Fast Food GF menu options include: Bread/Buns, Hot Dogs
319 Beach Ave, Cape May, NJ 08204
Lemma's Beach Grill
Reported Online: GF menu options: Bagels, Bread/Buns, Burgers, Chicken Fingers/Nuggets, French Toast,
Fries, Pancakes, Waffles100% of 48 votes say it's celiac friendly
At: Beau Rivage Beach Resort
9103 Atlantic Ave, Wildwood Crest, NJ 08260
Oyster Bay Restaurant & Bar
615 Lafayette St, Cape May, NJ
(609) 884-2111